Saying goodbye to our Avengers {texas huskies}

Fury left this morning. The last Avenger has moved on to be the hero to his new family. It is always bittersweet. I worry about them, and there is always a brief moment when I choke up as the new family walks away with their puppy. But the truth is I feel a bit like Jon Snow… “My watch is done.” By the end of 8 weeks I am tired. I give them my all, and they are my main focus. Don’t get me wrong I love it and I do it willingly and with love! But by the end I am tired. The worry doesn’t end there, though. I always think back and wonder, did I do everything I could? Did I get the protocols done that I wanted? Did I get enough socialization and enrichment in to give them the best foundation? What can I do different next time? I am always on pins and needles waiting for the 72 hour vet check, to reassure that all is well.

At this last vet visit my veterinarian listened to me talk about concerns and said “You really worry about all that?”. I thought “doesn’t everyone?” I mean shouldn’t every breeder? I know my anxiety does not help… being a worry wart is a curse. haha If I worry to much it’s only because I don’t want to do this if I can’t do it with love and care. But as much as I spend 8+ weeks worrying, I am lucky because I also spend that time with unlimited puppy kisses, cuddles and unconditional love.

So to our darling Avengers, have a great adventure. Be good babies and have a fun and beautiful life! XOXO