Kind words from our dear friend, Georgette.

Our friend, Georgette (KPA CTP) is a certified dog trainer. She was recently at The Aggression in Dogs Conference and spoke about the importance of picking the right breeder. We can not thank her enough for picking us to be her breeder and we appreciate her continued support and kind words about our program. She even came back to visit us in 2023 to interview us and observe our litters and how we raise our puppies for an upcoming book. Georgette, is a beautiful person and a real inspiration. You can visit her website here

You can see a snippet from her interview at the link below.

Socialization must be done right.

I am super happy to see more breeders getting on board with socialization and confidence building. Sadly, I see many are doing it wrong. There is no way to sugar coat it. So many are copying what they see others are doing or taking things they’ve seen in videos, posts, info graphics, memes, etc and just running with it without any clear understanding or knowledge of what they are doing. I know what you are thinking, “Any socialization is better than nothing.” Wrong! Doing nothing is better than socialization done wrong.

I was anti puppy programs, anti trainers know more than breeders years ago. I’ve shared this story before, but I originally bought Puppy Culture to prove it was bullshit. My husband said “Why are you spending money on this stuff, you raise great puppies and have never heard anyone complain.” I was in fact learning with each litter, trying to add enrichment, trying to do better. But I had to see what the big deal was. So, I bought the Puppy Culture video and workbook and sat in awe as I watched the video. My husband watched amazed as I clicker trained 4 week old puppies, I was in awe as I was communicating with them by doing games like the box challenge and completely could not believe my eyes as I taught 5 week old puppies to mand. Shortly after implementing Puppy Culture into my breeding program I took the Karen Pryor Academy’s Puppy Start Right For Instructors course and became a certified instructor. I was obsessed with early puppy socialization, confidence building, enrichment and training. I followed that up with more puppy socialization, dog training and behavior, courses, workshops, videos, books….. did I say books?

I have a solid understanding of puppy stages, puppy development, fear periods, learning theory, classical conditioning, desensitizing, early puppy socialization, confidence building, enrichment, body language, problem solving normal puppy behavior, and how to train and instruct training foundations. I’m not saying you have to have all these things to socialize your puppy, but if you don’t have a basic understanding, chances are you are not doing it correctly.

Socialization is not just puppies meeting other dogs and people. Socialization is introducing the puppy to the human world in a positive reassuring way. It’s not just exposure it’s positive exposure. Novel Sights, Sounds, Textures, Objects, Handling, etc. Your goal is not to have your puppy overly excited for every new thing he encounters you want them to be unbothered, calm, neutral, and maintain focus on you. In order to do this the experiences must be kept positive. Allowing the puppy to explore objects at their own pace, noise introduction should be started on low or at a distance, use positive reinforcement to create positive experiences. In the past 6 months I have seen breeders physically force 4 week old puppies to interact with objects, thinking by repeatedly doing it that it that they are “training them” to repeat the behavior. Placing 6 week old puppies on top, or inside of objects and saying “look at our brave puppies”. When it’s obvious the puppy is frightened. I’ve seen a breeder banging pots in front of puppies to prove they are “confident”. I’ve seen breeder manipulate puppy posing to create content, placing their own dogs in unsafe situations for content, cutting off the video right before the puppy falls. I’ve seen breeders “train” their 8 week old puppies with leash pops, jerks and pulls in combination with harsh verbal corrections and telling their audience this may look cruel but it is necessary. Attending a training class does not make you a trainer anymore then taking your car for an oil change makes you a mechanic. And when you have a large platform people just blindly follow and believe you because you have used smoke and mirrors to create this false narrative that you are knowledgeable.

Using Puppy Culture does not make you a great breeder, but lying and saying you do when you do not actually put in the work or even know what the work is, or putting toys in the pen you see others are using and using buzz words like “I use puppy culture protocols” is being deceptive for profit. All breeders should be doing some form of early socialization, but doing socialization wrong is harmful, unsafe and can potentially create the very same issues you are suppose to be preventing, creating life long fear for the puppies. There are free and low cost resources, videos on YouTube, books, workshops, etc. The socialization period is from 3 weeks to 14-16 weeks, it starts with the breeder but ends with the owner, and it’s important that you too are aware of what socialization is and how to properly implement it.

In a world where everyone is an expert, everyone is a content creator and influencer, make sure you are being influenced by the right people. – Missy

The emotions of having senior dogs

We lost our Darling Nikita a few weeks. She was 14. The typical lifespan for a husky is 12-15 years. I think she did very well. Even though she was a senior and we knew her time was nearing it was so very hard letting her go. Especially for my son who was “her boy”. Nikita waited for him to turn 18 and graduate high school before she let us know she was ready to say goodbye. She raised our son right along with me and my husband. She was the best.

What is considered a senior? It often depends on the breed. Dr Google says “Generally, small dogs are considered senior citizens when they reach 11 years of age, medium-sized dogs at 10 years of age, large breeds at 8 years of age, and giant-breeds at 7.” When you factor in that 1 in 3 dogs will develop cancer it makes that even shorter.

We have chosen to keep all our dogs here with us even after breeding retirement. So we will continue to face the emotional roller coaster of loving our seniors and watching for the time when their bad days outweigh their good. Our sweet Zuko just turned 12 and we already see changes in him. Joint supplements and nutrition are so far working great, and we will cherish every day we have with our Zuko and all our babies here at Supernova Siberians!

I also want to note that at this time we have made the decision to slow our breeding and to not to add more dogs to our pack. We love raising puppies and bring joy to families and I think I do a damn good job. But the emotional and financial toll of so many issues have played a huge roll in our decision. If at anytime this changes we will be selective on the puppies we bring in and do so responsibly.

External and Internal Parasites

Parasites can be common. Fleas for example are very common and annoying. How I treat and prevent parasites takes great care as I am dealing with chemicals and medications that can have an impact on the health of my dogs and puppies.

Fleas & ticks: I start out very conservatively. I do not use chemicals in my yard. My dogs walk on grass, eat the grass, roll around in grass and that means that even chemicals deemed safe may not if consumed or licked off paws. I start out with natural repellant sprays like Cedercide or Wondercide, (I am not paid for my recommendation) if that stops working, I am in south Central Texas after all, then I move on to topicals in addition to natural repellants. I have one dog I use a collar for (and I do understand the risks but he had flea allergies and it takes a bit more to protect him). I do not use any harsh chemicals on my litters/puppies. The side effects of oral treatments like Bravecto are absolutely frightening and I will not take that risk on an 8 week old puppy. My job is to keep them healthy and safe until they go home with you. If the issue is bad, I may use Capstar in addition to a bath before they go home. So that might mean you may find a flea or 2 while you consult with your vet and do your own research on which treatment is best for you. This is how I have chosen to control external parasites I understand you may choose a different way and you are free to make that choice.

Worms: I do use common de wormers and parasite prevention to protect our puppies from internal parasites including coccidia. Internal parasites are common which is why we have a strict deworming schedule. But with that being said a positive fecal does not mean your breeder is fifthly or dirty. These parasites are common in the ground, in water, in feces, all places puppies play in or are exposed to. I do a fecal at their 8 week check up and if by some chance it is positive after all the treatment we do the vet will treat your puppy before going home.

Discount Available

**ATTENTION*** Our family understands how tough things can be in this economy. From inflation to shrinkflation to just plain greed! Because of this EVERYONE will receive our $100 discount normally reserved for our returning Supernova Family! We are willing to absorb the cost in order to ensure our babies find the best homes. Pure bred, well raised puppies should not be reserved for the elite! We hope this gift helps the average family add a beautiful Supernova Siberian to their home.

This discount applies to everyone including people who have already placed a deposit.

Due to what we believe is a slow down in the market (unless you have a massive nationwide social media following) we have decided to take a pause once again. We skipped all girls previous heats in 2023 due to the same issue.

We had 4 girls come into heat in the last month (march/april). We did pair Mazikeen with Jasper once but did not allow them to breed again once it became apparent that the market has slowed tremendously. We will not be disappointed if the breeding did not take, but as we all know it only takes once. We will see what happens. We had plans to put Reign with Tyrion to repeat their previous beautiful litter, but did not. We may place them together at the end of 2024 depending on the circumstances. And of course Nova and Riri are too young.

I am seeing to many good breeders still trying to place 4- 6 month old puppies and letting them go highly discounted, or free in order to place them. Similar to what we had to do last year. We are hoping that if we discount now we can find them homes by 8-12 weeks. As always they have a home with us until we can find their forever families.

Realistically, this may be the beginning of the end for us. We/I do this because my husband and family supports me and knows I love raising/training puppies and I love placing them in homes that will love them as much as I do. But if we can’t find families then it’s time to stop. We will wait n see how things go.

Winter’s litter

Winter and Jasper welcomed seven gorgeous babies on Febuary 26th. 4 males and 3 females. I will be doing a photos session of individual puppies on March 1st. Until then check out our facebook page for photos and video!

Names and collar colors. Remember names are for identification purposes only. This litter theme is Treasure Synonyms. 🙂

1. Male: Bounty, Blue

2. Female: Treasure, Yellow

3. Female: Gem, Purple

4. Male: Cash, Gold

5. Male: Prize, Red

6. Female: Jewel, Pink

7. Male: Fortune, Green

Little paws coming soon

Winter and Jasper are expecting a litter the end of February. This is a planned (a bit late, haha) pairing and will be Winter’s final litter. Their previous litter was in 2022 you can see photos here:…

We will accept 3 pre birth deposits. Please understand that deposits are non refundable (but are transferable to a future litter), due to safety and bio security concerns we do not allow visits, though we can do video chats. We are completely transparent in how we raise our puppies and have years and years of photos and video on this page. Feel free to browse. We do ask that deposit holders pick their puppy in a timely manner as we often have families’ on standby waiting for picks to be made so they can pick their puppy and place their deposits. Delay in this process unfortunately causes families to go elsewhere leaving puppies without homes. We have over 12 years experience in breeding, I am proficient and educated in puppy development, puppy socialization as well as puppy foundation training. All of our litters are raised with Puppy Culture and I am a Certified Puppy Start Right Instructor. Please see our website for more info. or email [email protected]

Our seniors have our heart

While I’m sure most of you only have interest in puppies, on the forefront of our thoughts lately have been our seniors. Nikita and Zuko especially. Though we have a few others getting up there in age.

“Small breeds are considered senior dogs when they turn 10 to 12 years old. Medium breeds are considered senior dogs when they hit 8 to 9 years old. Large and giant breeds are considered senior dogs at around 6 to 7 years old.”

You can find conflicting info on when a dog is considered a senior. So much depends on breed and breed size. But I think it’s easy to see the signs. From simple symptoms like greying fur to mild hip/joint issues to full on cognitive issues. Nikita is 3 months shy of her 14th birthday. Zuko is 11 and a half. Watching my babies age is tough. Nikita has some tough moments, she is hard of hearing and can get confused at times but for the most part she is happy to nap in my chair, in the chair on the porch or in my son’s room. She still walks the yard but mostly tries to avoid the younger bunch as they annoy her. haha We started a lil bucket list last year thinking we had less time with her, but she is hanging in there. We are thankful for everyday with her. When you acquire a puppy (however you chose to do so) they are forever. Don’t give up on them because they age. They need our love, and patience more than ever. We are keeping an eye on our older bunch and no matter how hard it is, we know that when the time comes that they have more bad days than good days, we will make the difficult decision to help them cross over.

Project Update:

So one of the projects we’ve been slowly working on is taking our old “dog yard” that was used mostly by Ghost and Cersei and creating a puppy enrichment play yard. Over 8 years ago we had our property fenced off (wood privacy fencing) into 3 sections. Our main yard, our dog yard and our chicken area. An old dead tree fell several months ago and clearing it all way has been a chore. We finally got it all cleared out, all the twigs and brush burned and are ready to start planning and creating a fun area for our puppies. Again this will be slow going, but we hope to do a lot of DIY to save money but even materials cost an arm and an leg. Safe, enriching and providing a lot of socialization opportunities is my goal. With lots of luck it may be ready in time for our next litter. 😀 We will keep you updated on our progress!

If you would like to donate to this project we do have an Amazon Wishlist with items to use in our play yard and/or our puppy program.