Upcoming Litters: Week 9 {Texas Husky Breeders}

Week 8

Sun 1 July 2018 – Sat 8 July 2018

  • Nipples and vulva should be gently cleaned with warm water, you might want to trim the hairs surrounding the nipples, to allow easier access for the puppies to suck.
  • She may express milk from her nipples.
  • Watch for her temperature to drop.
  • She may also become restless, seek seclusion and in the last few days, soil the house.
  • She will be ‘nesting’ 12-24 hours before the birth

Mon 9 July 2918

  • Expected date of whelp. Average is 62 days but may take place from the 58th to the 68th day.
  • Keep watching for that temp drop. If you’re actually taking the temp, it does drop from 101 to 98 degrees.
  • Appetite will disappear as whelping approaches.
  • May see a clear discharge from the vulva.
  • At onset of labor may pace, dig, shiver, pant and/or vomit.
  • First fetus will be delivered within 4 hours of the onset of labor.

Please remember these calculations are based on Amara’s first tie. That may or may not be the one that took. It all depends on when she ovulated. Autumn’s first tie was 4 days after Amara.  Please adjust the above dates accordingly.  In the past both girls have gone several days past their estimated due dates so do not let that concern you. I will keep you updated the best I can while keeping my girls a priority.

Both girls are showing with little round tummies.  Amara continues to spend a lot of time in her puppy room.  She prefers to be out of the way of the pack.  Autumn is the opposite she likes to be where the action is. Both girls have strong appetites and do not seem to be uncomfortable in anyway.

If you have any questions please feel free to message me. I will continue to update on the facebook page.  😀