Upcoming Litters: Week 4 {Texas Siberian Husky Breeder}

Week 4

Wed 30 May 2018 -Mon 4 Jun 2018

  • One of the early signs of pregnancy is for the dam to ‘adopt’ a toy.
  • Development of eyes and spinal cord and faces take shape.
  • The fur on the belly and around the nipples thins.
  • Palpitation can detect Fetuses horns around day 28.
  • To protect the fetuses the uterus fills with fluid, and the palpitation can no longer be felt.
  • Offer your girl a little more food, as she could be hungrier.
  • The fetuses grow to around 1.5 centimeters long during week four.
  • The fourth week of foetal development is considered to be one of the most formative stages of the pregnancy, when the growing puppies are most vulnerable to damage and developing defects. At this stage of development, begin to limit rough play and particularly strenuous exercise in your dog.

Amara and Autumn are doing great. They are both extra affectionate and have no problem demanding cuddles. It is hard to tell if all the naps are due to puppies growing or the heat… I’m guessing both!